Position papers, official documents and code of conduct
The following official GME documents clearly demonstrate that GME take their duties very seriously. These documents are the result of the different working committees and highlight GME's contribution to ensure the best quality of gelatine across the world.
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GME is convinced that animal welfare is of increasing importance to protect consumer’s health and, therefore, is supporting all reasonable measures improving animal welfare.
Gelatine and collagen peptides raw material sources are by-products from the meat and farmed fish processing industries, generally considered as wellmanaged, natural and renewable resources.
As part of our commitment to sustainable development, the Gelatine Manufacturers Europe (GME) initiated a project to gain insight in the development of the carbon footprint of gelatine and collagen peptides produced by the GME members over the years 2016 to 2022.
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As part of our commitment to sustainable development, the Gelatine Manufacturers Europe (GME) initiated a project to gain insight in the development of the carbon footprint of gelatine and collagen peptides produced by the GME members. The project is currently covering the years 2016 to 2022 and results are available in a separate statement (see above). In order to enlarge the insight, GME decided in 2016 to initiate a water footprint project covering the same period.
GME, the Gelatine Manufacturers of Europe, represents the European gelatinemanufacturers.The dust explosion risk of gelatine and collagen peptides have been examined andtested. Several samples from different locations in the plant and from differentproducers were tested.From the overall results GME can conclude that gelatine, also in fine powder likehydrolysed gelatine, is a product with very low explosion risk (Class ST 1).
The regulation (EC) N° 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction ofChemicals (REACH), does not apply to gelatine/collagen and their hydrolysates as theyare natural polymers and/or chemically modified natural polymers. The amino acids areregarded as non-isolated intermediates and therefore do not have to be registered.
The Bloom test method for the determination of gel strength of gelatine is an empirical method that can not be traced back to an international standard as can be done, for example, for the measurement of viscosity. Collaborative studies (ringtests) are therefore essential to obtain information on the accuracy of the procedure. This is the reason that the gelatin industry has carried out ringtests for more than 10 years on a regular basis.
The European Regulations (EC) N°1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 and furtheramendments set maximum levels for dioxins and PCBs in meat, meat products and animalfat from ruminants, poultry, pigs and fishes, and also in milk and eggs.The maximum levels are only applicable to food products containing more than 2% fat andfor different food products such as eggs and milk.Gelatine, as defined by Regulation (EC) N° 853/2004, is not considered as a foodstuff at riskof contamination by Dioxin and PCB and is, therefore, not in the scope of Regulation (EC)N°1881/2006.
In the recent years, several public and commercial laboratories published analytical methods for the identification of animal species origin in foodstuffs. Some of these laboratories also focussed on the analysis of gelatine.
GME would like to confirm gelatine including collagen peptides are considered as natural ingredients in accordance to this ISO technical specification on definitions and technical criteria.