Berry jelly dessert

Preparation time (without settling time):

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Ingredients for 6 persons:

  • 250 g raspberries
  • 250 g strawberries
  • 5 dessert spoons of honey
  • 1 untreated lemon
  • 10 leaves gelatine (or 15 g powder gelatine)
  • 1 small jar of sour cherries
  • 1 pinch of saffron


  1. Wash and clean the berries and allow to drain. Drizzle 3 dessert spoons of honey over them and allow to stand for 30 minutes.
  2. In the meantime wash and dry the lemon and grate the peel off. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out. Mix the juice with the grated peel, the rest of the honey and ¼ litre of water. Allow to stand for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, allow the gelatine to soften for about 10 minutes in cold water (if using powder gelatine soften 12 g and 3 g in separate containers).
  3. Pour the juice from the jar of cherries into a pan and heat it up. Remove the pan from the heat and dissolve 8 gelatine leaves (or the swelled 12 g of powder gelatine) in the hot juice. Allow to cool a little. Then incorporate the berries with their juice and the cherries spoon by spoon.
  4. Take a 1 litre jelly mould and rinse out with cold water. Then fill with the cherries and berries with the juice and place the mould in the refrigerator. Dissolve the saffron powder in 1 dessert spoon of hot water. Add the lemon water through a fine sieve and stir. Heat 3 dessert spoons of the mixture and dissolve the remaining 2 gelatine leaves (or the swelled 3 g of powder gelatine) in it. Incorporate the rest of the liquid spoon by spoon and then pour into a glass and also place in the refrigerator.
  5. After about 6 hours, immerse the mould in hot water for a short period and turn out. Remove the lemon jelly from the glass with a spoon, chop it up and arrange around the jelly.

Click here for more information on cooking and baking with gelatine.