Prawn – Basmati Rice – Terrine

Preparation time (not including waiting period):

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Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 100 g basmati rice
  • Salt
  • 1 packet (225 g) frozen, peeled prawn tails
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 1 slice (approx. 25 g) smoked salmon
  • 4 gelatine sheets or 6 g of powder gelatine
    (please follow manufacturer's instructions)
  • 25 g alfalfa sprouts
  • White pepper
  • Zest from ½ lime
  • ½ tsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp Asian sweet & sour sauce
  • 100 ml vegetable broth
  • 100 g mangetouts
  • 1 bunch of rocket
  • 1 - 2 tsp lime juice

As desired:

  • Prawns and thyme as a garnish


  1. Cook rice in boiling salt water for approx. 20 minutes, then drain. Also place prawns into boiling salt water, blanch for 2-3 minutes and drain. Chop prawns into fine pieces.
  2. Wash thyme, remove leaves from the branches and chop. Finely dice salmon. Soak gelatine in cold water.
  3. Mix together prepared ingredients and sprouts. Season with salt, pepper, lime zest, soy sauce and sweet & sour sauce.
  4. Drain and squeeze out gelatine, dissolve in broth that has been heated until lukewarm. Fold in prepared prawn mixture and pour into dessert rings (approx. 10 cm in diameter) that have been placed on plates. Refrigerate for approx. 30 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, clean and wash mangetouts and rocket. Cook mangetouts in boiling salt water for 5 minutes. Then rinse with cold water and marinate with lime juice. Mix with rocket.
  6. Arrange prawn-rice-terrine with marinated mangetout mixture.

    Goes well with garlic mayonnaise.


Click here for more information on cooking and baking with gelatine.



Nutritional values per serving approx.:

  • Calories: 148
  • Joules: 619
  • Protein: 12.1 g
  • Fat: 1.7 g
  • Carbohydrates: 23 g

The ultimate appetiser for a perfect dinner


Seafood with fresh herbs, aromatic rice and a dash of heat, moulded to perfection by gelatine – if that isn’t the ultimate appetiser for a perfect dinner. A fusion of flavour that propels this dish into a class of its own and tastes just as good in late summer served as a light dinner as it will in autumn or during the upcoming holiday season served as a refined appetiser for sumptuous main dishes such as goose or turkey. The prawn-rice-terrine is figure friendly and, moreover, easy to prepare.

Prawns – what counts is their provenance
The ingredients of the terrine are only cooked briefly and served cold. This preserves the vitamins and lets each flavour make a statement of its own. However, this makes it crucial to use only the best ingredients. Be sure to buy organic prawns because these are guaranteed to taste great and be free of residues. This is also true for the smoked salmon. The fresher, the better – you will taste the difference.

Basmati rice
In Indian, basmati means fragrance – which is justly deserved because this refined rice exudes a fragrance very like jasmine. Basmati rice is cultivated on very special rice plantations at the foot of the Himalayas. This favourite among the rice varieties has particularly long grains and is especially aromatic. It adds a special note to the terrine, blending in delightfully with the flavours of the lime zest and soy sauce and giving the dish an Asian touch.

Lots of success in giving our recipe a try!