Small tower of celeriac with char and white mushrooms

Preparation time (without cooling time):

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Ingredients for 4 servings:

For the celeriac mousse:

  • 2 white gelatine sheets
  • 200 g celeriac (peeled)
  • 1 piece of organic lime peel
  • 1 shallot
  • 200 ml jar of vegetable stock
  • Sea salt, freshly ground pepper
  • 1-2 tsp white wine
  • 1 tbsp (25 g) crème fraîche
  • 100 ml cream

For the char:

  • 125 ml jar of fish stock
  • 180 g char fillet

In addition:

  • 4 thin potato slices
  • Salt
  • 1 pinch of curcuma
  • 1-2 white mushrooms
  • 1 handful of chervil 


  1. Soak gelatine in cold water. Dice celeriac. Peel and dice shallot. Pour vegetable stock into a pot and add celeriac, shallot, lime peel, some salt and pepper. Cook covered for approx. 8-10 minutes until done, then uncover and reduce the liquid to about 2 tablespoons. Remove lime peel. Finely purée all ingredients and pass through a sieve. Lightly squeeze out gelatine and dissolve in the hot celeriac purée. Season with white wine, salt and pepper. Fold in crème fraîche. Chill. Stir celeriac mixture just before serving. Whip and fold in cream.
  2. Bring fish stock to a boil. Add char, remove pot from heat and poach the char fillet in the stock for approx. 3-4 minutes. Remove from stock and chill.
  3. Cook potato slices in lightly salted water with a pinch of curcuma until done. Drain and let cool. Rinse, clean and very finely slice white mushrooms.
  4. Carefully rinse chervil and let drip dry on kitchen paper. Divide char into small portions.
  5. Just before serving, place a heaping tablespoon of celeriac mousse onto each plate. Build a small tower by mounding the remaining ingredients onto the mousse, loosely sprinkling chervil in between layers. Sprinkle each tower with finely chopped mushroom slices. 

Click here for more information on cooking and baking with gelatine.

Nutritional values per serving approx.:

  • Calories: 200
  • Joules: 841
  • Protein: 10.6 g
  • Fat: 11.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3 g

A premium grade fish

The delight of your guests is guaranteed when you serve up this ingenious starter, a fine mousse made of celeriac moulded into a tower with a delicate purée of char fillet layered between thin potato slices. When all ingredients have been arranged, this light dish will satisfy all and - thanks to gelatine - keep its stable shape. 

The char belongs to the trout family and is marked by its extraordinary diversity. Gourmets consider its meat to be particularly delicious, some even believe it has the finest meat of the entire trout family. It is slightly pink in colour and rather firm with a characteristic flavour and only a few fine bones that can easily be removed. This starter calls for fillet of char, which imparts a distinctive flavour to the fine purée. 


No matter whether farmed or wild: a fish with standard
The char prefers cold, clear fresh water and can be found in large parts of the northern hemisphere. This predator fish was introduced from North America in 1880. Its rich colouring makes it easy to recognize: its back is dark, usually green or brown, its sides are lighter in colour with yellow as well as red spots and its reddish coloured belly is quite striking. 

Farming this premium fish is very difficult because when it comes to water, chars set high standards. The number of fish available in stores is therefore comparatively small. Should you not be able to find char fillet for this recipe, salmon trout fillet is a very good substitute. Lots of success in giving it a try!